Monday, June 20, 2016

Walk'n ~n~ Think'n

I just got back, from a leisurely walk, out back in the corn field. Oh the peace, and tranquility that is upon me, as i meander up, and down the rows, leading to the woods out back.....peace like a river in my soul. I've never known such peace of mind,and in my heart, until I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I see beauty in all of God's glorious creation, and I so much enjoy getting out by myself, where I can just get quiet before the Lord  and His still soft voice calling to me. In the last two weeks, I've found three heart shaped rocks to add to my collection, which consisted of one, that my son found in a creek bed, and lovingly, gave to his mama, when he was a little boy, and a beautiful rock that has some streaks of silver running through it. I've got a couple little baskets, that I keep my treasures in .... throughout my treks out back

Monday, July 7, 2014

I've decided to pick it up again

My toothbrush rag rug that is.  I don't think I've worked on this for almost three years. It doesn't take that long to finish one,  but I've had other things to keep me occupied.  I've always loved to see these beautiful,  handmade rugs, draped haphazardly across the floors. I like to handicraft,  and give these to my family, and one of these days... I'll keep one for myself.  There was a tiny local shop,  not to far from here,  that carried numerous handmade items,  and this is where I bought my first rag rug. It is a nice size rug,  that a little lady in her late eightys had crocheted...... and my feet,  at this moment,  are adorning it :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Storm a Brewing

Did I say I love a good storm? call me crazy, but I do.  I go out back with camera in tow,  listening to the low rumble, as I anticipate the oncoming storm. I love sitting out on our porch swing taking it all in, as I watch the sheets of rain rolling through the field, as the storm lolls me into a most peaceful state of being.... thank you dear Lord.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

~ It's in the air~

Sitting in my bedroom this morning, looking out the window,at the different hues of autumn. I am actually awestruck at the beauty that my eyes behold. I have wonderful visions in my head, visions of an earlier time, a time when my children and I, would spend hours in the woods....enjoying one anothers company, and our surroundings. 
This time of the year, makes me feel so alive, I just want to run through the leaves that fallen all around me, stopping to pick up handfuls of them, to throw up into the air.......only to watch them tumble, slowly, back down to the ground. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hanging out laundry

I don't think there's anything that smells better then cloths that have been hanging out on the line. Brings back memories of my childhood, when Mom would spent the day doing the tedious job of washing and hanging out to dry or cloths. There was the old wringer washer out on the back porch, with the galvanized wash tub (which also doubled as our bathtub), to catch the cloths. I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed, as when the whole neighborhood could see our unmentionables, frozen stiff as a board, not even able to flap if there was a breeze.
I can honestly say that I truly treasure all of my childhood memories, so when i'm out there hanging out taking down my laundry, my mind meanders the good old days....and I smile.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What I've been doing

Another beautiful evening outside, not too hot...just right. I'm a country bumpkin and would have it no other way. I love sitting outside and really do love the simple things in life. My husband just finished mowing the lawn, and it smells so good right now.
Way back when...I used to do macrame, and I've just recently picked it back up. It's funny, but they say...if you wait long enough, that things do come back in style. I just finished a couple pretty bracelets for two of my Granddaughters...hope they like them.