Saturday, September 3, 2011

Reflections of Years Gone By

Driving in the country, going no place in particular...just me and Dad.
Trying hard not to kick up a dust storm, as we slowly meander down the road. Coming upon a group of about ten teenage Amish girls, with there sweet smiling faces, wrapped with a head covering, their coming from a church service, just up the road...I drive even s l o w e r. Many buggies pass us by, or should I say, we pass them?
I have always enjoyed a simplistic lifestyle, so this day is very relaxing, and rewarding to me.
My Dad, he'll be close to a spry eighty nine years old, is smiling ear to ear, thoroughly enjoying our ittle excursion.
I sit, as i'm driving, listening to his voice, as he gladly talks of his many remembrances of his past. This means so very much to me, I want to remember everything that he tells me.
One of the places that I make sure we visit, is our old homestead. This is a place that holds many prescious memories of our past.
As we sit in the car, parked out front, on the road....we reflect about days of old.
Looking up at the front lawn, I see the two huge old maple trees, one on either side of the front of the house.  Almost like watching a scene from a movie, I can see myself, a little girl with curly blond hair, lying on a blanket that I've spread beneath the tree on the right. I'm lying on my side....with my dolly (can't remember her name), and I slowly pull my little blouse up, and begin to breast feed my baby. This came so natural to me, as I was one of eight siblings, and Mom, breast fed us all.
This brought a smile to my face, one of many, as I reflected on my blessed childhood.
Until the next time.....God bless, and take care.