Monday, May 23, 2011

What a lovely weekend

I had decided that this weekend would be a lazy one, one for enjoying the outdoors, one for sitting on the porch swing with a good book. We sometimes get so wrapped up in the world, that we don't take time for us, and I so much
Time has a way of slipping between our fingers, and ya just cannot get it back, time needs to be treasured, made the best of, spent wisely....but well.
I enjoyed the time that I had with my husband, son and grandson. Little Larry had a blast with the bubbles he was blowing, and the breeze gave him, along withTess, (our mini dach), reason to take chase.
We've had the pleasure of keeping our eyes on a birds nest that was found in a honeysuckle vine along the splitrail fence. There were four eggs, blue...robin eggs. I would sneak out and get a picture, when the mama had left the nest. As they hatched and grew, more pictures. One day...poof! their gone, having flown the nest. Wendell was cutting back the pompass grass, which I should have done months ago, and to his dismay, had came upon three baby sparrows in a little nest :( We were concerned that the mother would abandon the nest, but alas, she's back.....yippeee! Wendell had taken a big arm full of the cut pompass grass and laid it on top, for protection from the rain. The first night..she didn't return, but did come back the next morning :)  My neighbors have wooed my handfull of hummingbirds, to across the road, hopefully some will return. I love to watch them as we're sitting on the porch. As I talked to the neighbor lady, she took me out back, and much to my surprise, she had a fenced in area that had hummers, lots of them, roosting on the fence.  It was just odd to see them all just Sitt'n there.
~make the most of your day~