Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spending Time With Dad

This is my Dad, the man who raised me from the time I was around eight. Although not my biological less loved. This man fell in love with my Mother, and her six daughters. He had been married before when he was a young man, he and his wife were unable to have children. When he met my Mother, he thought he'd hit the jackpot, a wonderful woman to take as a wife and a ready made family. What more could he ask for? He worked hard to take care of all of us and he did such an awesome job. We grew up on a farm with all sorts of farm animals running around on the property. We enjoyed putting out a huge garden every year, although the weeding doesn't hold fond memories. One sister in particular would time and again, cut down the corn, stating she was sure it was a weed. Well, that's one way to get out of that chore, so the deed was left to my Dad and myself. We had such a great time hanging with Dad, all the animals to feed and everyday things that farm life holds for farm folk. Dad worked on the railroad, and would be gone all week long, while Mom held the house together. During the summer months, we had an old wash tub out on the back porch, and one after the other, we'd take turns getting out bath. Mom would put our hair in braids and excitedly on a Friday evening, we could be found out in the front yard, just waiting for Dad to come driving down the road. We then knew, that we'd have him with us for the weekend, before he'd leave again on Sunday night. My Mother was also a treasure to us, her family meant the world to her. This blog is about my Dad though. I just spent the day with him, we went out to his favorite country restaurant, drove around through his old stomping grounds, and I got to listen to His story's, again. Love you Dad

Sunday, September 26, 2010, it's been chilly out.

I'm not complaining,not in the least. This just happens to be my absolute favorite time of year..autumn. It just hard to believe that Friday, it was 92 and today it got up to 65.