Monday, June 20, 2016

Walk'n ~n~ Think'n

I just got back, from a leisurely walk, out back in the corn field. Oh the peace, and tranquility that is upon me, as i meander up, and down the rows, leading to the woods out back.....peace like a river in my soul. I've never known such peace of mind,and in my heart, until I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I see beauty in all of God's glorious creation, and I so much enjoy getting out by myself, where I can just get quiet before the Lord  and His still soft voice calling to me. In the last two weeks, I've found three heart shaped rocks to add to my collection, which consisted of one, that my son found in a creek bed, and lovingly, gave to his mama, when he was a little boy, and a beautiful rock that has some streaks of silver running through it. I've got a couple little baskets, that I keep my treasures in .... throughout my treks out back